St. Timothys Nursery / C.D.C. makes every effort to develop partnerships with community programs.

Early Head Start 
in partnership with Educare DC
Early Intervention Services 
in partnership with 
D.C Department of Behavioral Health
Healthy Futures 
w/Tino'I Jones
Mental Health Consultant
The Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Project, known as the Healthy Futures Program, operates in 24 child development centers located throughout the District. Consultation focuses on improving the overall quality of the program and assisting staff to solve a specific issue that affects more than one child, staff member, or family.
Primary Project
This evidence based practice provides screening and early intervention services to children identified with mild school adjustment issues in pre-kindergarten through third grade in certain public schools and Child Development Centers.

" I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well."
Alexander of Macedon