Families and friends enjoying our students' perform. 

Admissions and Enrollment Requirements


  1. Child must be between 3 months and 12 years old
  2. Completed Application
  3. Current Health Certificate with PPD and Lead Screening
  4. Notarized Parent Agreement
  5. Registration Fee of $50.00
  6. Child Care Food Program Enrollment Statement
  7. Emergency Card
  8. Oral Exam Required for Children age 3 years and older
  9. Developmental History
  10. Parent Questionnaire


Admission is also based upon availability of slots and on a first come, first served basis.


The same requirements for admission are applied to all and children are assigned within the Center without regard to race, color or national origin.  There is no distinction in eligibility for, or in the manner of, care provided by or through the institution.


All facilities of this institution are available without distinction to all residents and visitors regardless of race, color or national origin.  All persons or organizations having occasion to either refer children for admission or recommend the St. Timothy’s Child Development Center are advised to do so without regard to the child’s race, color or national origin.

"Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom."
   - George Washington Carver